SEO Optimised Domains

"Premium Domain Names have gone up faster than any other commodity known to man..."

SEO Keywords added to your domain name

Every Domain Name we provide you will come SEO Optimised meaning that they are truly set and forget products.
These domain names do not alter any of your existing website or SEO products, rather compliment them. 
They act as a stand alone website without the added costs of additional web hosting. 

In over 50% of our case studies completed our clients’ new domain names actually rank higher in Google than their existing websites. This is because we use the very latest google updates to ensure your getting the most out of the domain name you purchase from us.

Please expand the below example for a look at an example of which a client’s new Exact Match Domain will rank higher in a similar search than their existing website.

Clients main website:

Cllients new Exact Match Domain:

As you can see the client’s new Exact Match Domain name performs better than their main website. All domain names we setup will achieve a minimum score (based on the above examples) of 25/30. This is the best possible outcome attainable for a domain name with no actual hosted website, rather a mirror of an existing website. The final 5/30 score comes from Data within the website itself and cannot be altered at the Domain name level.  

What does an Exact Match Domain actually do for my website?

Having an Exact Match Domain name related to your business and your business activities creates an easy path for your customers to find you online. As explained in the Premium Domain Names page, a domain name that very closely describes what your business does and to what your customers are searching for is the best way for this to happen. This will increase your google ranking for your existing website but ultimately it is best to have the 2 domain names separate and both indexed on Google. There are 2 ways to do this; 1) Host the new domain name (costly and time consuming) or 2) Complete SEO Optimisation on the new Domain Name and let it mirror your current website. 

Expand below to see an example of the same domain name pre and post SEO optimisation. prior to Optimisation: after Optimisation:

As we can see there is a large improvement on the SEO aspect once the optimisation is completed. From all outward appearances the website we are on is when in fact we are actually looking at

This is how we set your new domain name and how it will act. Please note; you don’t actually have 2 websites it is simply a mirror of your main website. This is very handy for any updates and changes you make as these only have to be completed once. Also the fact that you’re saving a few hundred dollars per year not paying for an additional hosting suite.

There are many factors that make up your ranking within Google. We address every one of these factors that can be altered at a Domain Name level. Much of your ranking comes from the content, layout and security settings on your website. 
You can view your own websites current state by visiting
If you would like any further information about how to increase your exposure on Google or have any questions about how we optimise your new domain name your welcome to call the office at anytime and speak with our friendly staff.