SEO Services

"What doesn't your I.T guy want you to know? Find out below..."

SEO. Lets debunk this.

Daily we speak with customers who are sometimes paying quite large bills for SEO. Some are getting results, most are not (hey, they have to get it right some of the time, don’t they?!) Here we take a look at what SEO actually is, where it matters, where you can drop a lot of money for very little return, white hat and black hat SEO and a few more interesting facts.

The fact is, if someone tells you they can “guarantee top spot in Google”, you’ll likely fall victim to that company. Ask yourself this… If they offer the same guarantee to everyone, who actually ends up at the top of the list? I’m sure you are aware its not just your company they are calling. It’s one of hundreds that day alone. So, why SEO? What is it and where is your money best spent? Let’s dive deeper.

First things first. What is SEO?

SEO is Search Engine Optimisation. Yes, of course, you probably hear about this all the time. But what is SEO?! 

Let’s look at it from another perspective. Google is a business, just like yours. Now when their customers use their services (people searching Google), They want to make sure that the best possible results are shown to customers. It’s all about credibility and usability of your website. 

Credibility – How old is your website? Are you active on Social Medias? Are people posting about your website? Is your website featured on any Government or Education sites? 

Usability – Can Google correctly read you site? Do you have enough content on there telling Google what you actually do for a living? Do you have pictures with no correctly made descriptions? 

We are touching on a few of the many (207 at last count) factors that make up your SEO ranking overall. The fact is, there is no right answer. You cannot Google “How to rank number one” and find an answer from Google themselves, there is an element of reading between the lines and trial and error. Some methods work better for some sites than others. Some keywords are that saturated they are not even worth targeting. That’s why, when you have a company that not only understands SEO, but delivers you results at the same time, you’re on to a winner. But remember, just because you move up a few spots, how are you to know your competition is not doing the same thing?

On-Site SEO

On-Site SEO is your actual website. Whats on it from the front end and whats on the back. This includes, but of course is not limited to:

  • Your Website’s Content
  • Correctly Tagging Metadata
  • Headings and Sub headings
  • H1-H6 tags used correctly
  • Premium Domain Names
  • SSL Certificates
  • Mobile Optimised Website
In summary, there are factors within your website and domain that make up your SEO. This is linked with the “usability” as described above.

Off-Site SEO

Off-Site SEO is what people are saying about your business, what social media’s you have connected, etc. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • FaceBook (And other Social Media) Integration
  • Google MyBusiness
  • Google Ads
  • Premium Domain Names
  • Backlinks
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Directory Services
In summary, there are factors outside your website and basically what the rest of the internet has to say about your website. This is linked to the “Credibility” as discuss above.

OK. I'm starting to see this more clearly. But what can N.A.D do to help?

We will only ever help customers with SEO with websites we host. Why? Because each of the 2 points above is just as important. We cannot just do either or for the system to work, you may not get results and the other side may be causing some problems out of our control. If your website was built with N.A.D, Congratulations! You have and will continue to get all the latest SEO changes that hit Google. This is not as often as your current SEO may describe. Major changes are fairly rare with small changes every few months or so.

If your website is hosted with N.A.D, but not built with us, depending on what we did when we set everything up, we may have fixed this for you at that point. You would be aware of this at the point of transferring to us. 

If you’re not currently hosted with us, or have not had our SEO package applied to your hosted website with us, we can help you with this. We look at the main areas as below:

  • Ensure content and keywords are relevant and used in the correct way.
  • Check Metadata Tagging across your website
  • Confirm headings and sub headings are used
  • Check H1-H6 tags are correct
  • Check SSL / Mobile status
  • Correctly integrate Social Media’s
  • Correctly integrate Google MyBusiness
  • Check Google Ads Status
  • Check backlink status
  • Check for Social networking and directory service appearances. 

A quick, surefire way for a boost in ranking is with an exact match domain name. The only reason these are not more commonly used is simply based on availability: all the good ones are gone. 

SEO Management with N.A.D

Passive Management

We refer to passive management as what’s included with our hosting. This service is included with websites developed with N.A.D. It is offered as an optional extra when you start your hosting or transfer of your website to us. This is basically a once off review of your onsite and offsite SEO and changes made accordingly. 

This includes the dot points as above and any changes to Google algorithms adjusted accordingly. Any changes are included for hosting customers.

This service is a once off fee of $499.00 (Ex. GST) when you begin your hosting/website development with N.A.D 

Active Management

Active management is suited to businesses who are actively tracking keyword performance. We use state of the art tools to monitor your keywords both in a manual and automated way. Something slips, we correct it. Somethings working well, we push it hard. This encompasses areas such as online reviews, backlinks, keyword tracking, traffic reports etc.  

This includes the dot points as above and any changes to Google algorithms adjusted accordingly to your website. Your website must be hosted with N.A.D for us to consider your account. We do not offer active management for off-site SEO only. 

The service fee of $699.00 (Ex. GST) is payable monthly in advance. This does not include backlinks to your website. You can purchase these for extra based on the volume and quoted individually as each industry varies. The backlinks you create need to be relevant, not on any old website on the internet. We only ever engage in white hat SEO techniques. 

Curious to know more?

Please phone our office and speak with one of our SEO experts. We do not offer self service purchase of SEO packages online as we want to make sure we are actually able to help you. We will always be open and honest with you. If active management is not something we recommend, we will not take on this business. Each business is unique, as is your online presence. There is no right answer for everyone. Chat to one of our staff to see how we can help you today.