Alias Email Addresses

"Premium Domain Names have gone up faster than any other commodity known to man..."

Why have an Alias email address?

Included in our domains packages is an alias email address for your new domain name. This means if you are using a or similar email for your business, you can now give your customers a more professional looking email address. 

For example, you might purchase Your current email address is and this is the email that you provide to customers. You might have your gmail address on your business cards, website and social pages. As we all know, using an email like this can look unprofessional and will cause some customers to shy away. It’s a fact that people have upwards of 75% more trust of companies with professional email services.

For example, with your purchase of, we will activate an Alias email address for you. Meaning, you will now be able to use “” as your email. This is included in the domain price and there is no monthly charge. 

Important notes on Alias email address:
This is not an email account. Any emails sent to will arrive at your current email address. Likewise, when you reply to emails they will come from your existing email address. 
There is no login information needed for your email alias.
You do not need to change or activate anything. It is all setup during the domain activation process from N.A.D.

This is designed purely for your advertising purposes. So instead of having your gmail account on your business cards, website & socials, you can now use a professional looking email without the associated costs. This is a great way to update your email address for a flat cost.
We of course offer full email integration, meaning we can add account details etc. This incurs extras fees and is best to call our office or your Domain Manager to discuss further.