Premium Domain Names

"Premium Domain Names have gone up faster than any other commodity known to man..."

Premium Domain Names and EMD's

EMD’s (Exact match domains) are a great way for businesses to have greater cash flow for a flat, one off fee.

For example, if your website is, you will most likely need to be paying (sometimes quite high) fees for a decent ranking in Google and other search engines. An exact match domain for example of will yield higher traffic to your website, more inquires and ultimately higher workloads for your business. 

By linking the EMD ( to your existing website ( when someone searches for “eastern suburbs plumbing” (or any combination of this wording) your website will be ranked higher if not first place, as the exact match to the search query is within your domain name.

EMDs are also beneficial as they will allow you to control your costs for advertising, as you know exactly what you’re up for, and what you will get in return. 

For further explanation of how this works, please contact one of our friendly staff and we can assist you in finding an EMD that matches your business. 

Premium Domain Inclusions with N.A.D

  • 12 Months domain registration
  • Transfer of the Domain to your Business name and ABN
  • Website mirroring (Domain will act as a mirror of your current website) (Read more here)
  • Website monitoring for the remainder of the registration (Email alerts will be sent if down time is experienced)
  • Full SEO optimisation (Read more here)
  • Up to 15 keywords added to the domain for SEO on your website
  • Alias email address (example: (Read more here)
  • Google Verified Domain Name
  • Keyword Ranking Monitoring (Read more here)

Please remember, All domains are allocated on a First in, First Served basis. 

Due to the extreme limited availability of premium domain names it may in fact be years before a suitable one can be found for you. 

To check availability of the keywords you are looking to target, please contact our office today.