Keyword Ranking Monitoring

"What better way to track how your ROI is going than on Google itself!"

Keyword Ranking Monitoring

Included as part of your purchase of a Domain name with N.A.D is our real world keyword tracking.

No more BS report you don’t understand. 

No more graphs and fancy pictures that look lovely, but mean nothing.

When we active the domain name back to your website, we run a check and see where your website is sitting on Google at the moment under the keywords in the domain name you have purchase. 

So, If you grab, we will check Google for where you come up under the keywords Plumber Melbourne. We then take a screen grab before we commence any work on the domain name. This screen grab is then uploaded to your N.A.D account and you will have access to this once your login details are sent to you. Then, at any point in the future, we can run the search again to see how those keywords are tracking. This is done each time a new domain name is added to your account with us. 

40 - 60% increase in my Google strength? Yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it.

Trust us, we get it. Been promised the world and have nothing to show for your cash spent. Don’t believe our products are as good as we say they are? Lets have a look at some real world examples… (They are PDF documents, you’ll need to click the links to see full size!)


Before Activation (09/11/2020) Page 4, Position 10

centralcoasthousecleaning (Original)

After Activation (02/10/2021) Page 4, Position 1


Website Being Monitored: SCHUSTERWINDOWS.COM.,AU | Keyword Domain Purchased: DOUBLEGLAZINGSYDNEY.COM.AU

Before Activation (14/08/2020) Page 2, Position 9

doubleglazingsydney (Original)

After Activation (17/10/2022) Page 2, Position 1


Want to know if we have any domains relevant to you?

Not everyone can have a great exact match domain. In fact, there is actually few people we can assist in this way. The best way to check is to reach out to your domain manager or email us directly at with any keywords you are looking to target and we will see if there is something we can do for you. 

Premium Domain Inclusions with N.A.D

  • 12 Months domain registration
  • Transfer of the Domain to your Business name and ABN
  • Website mirroring (Domain will act as a mirror of your current website) (Read more here)
  • Website monitoring for the remainder of the registration (Email alerts will be sent if down time is experienced)
  • Full SEO optimisation (Read more here)
  • Up to 15 keywords added to the domain for SEO on your website
  • Alias email address (example: (Read more here)
  • Google Verified Domain Name
  • Keyword Ranking Monitoring (Read more here)